EVF Upgrade for Vision Cameras
The EVF camera upgrade enables the Electronic Viewfinder unit to connect to a Vision or Vision PRO camera for assisted manual alignment. The EVF upgrade unlocks the Vision HDMI port so it can display 1D and 2D camera alignment on an external video viewfinder display along with Gain, Level, and Focus information.
Sku: 5LEVF   Category: Camera Upgrades  Tags: EVF
Combine this EVF upgrade with the Electronic Viewfinder unit to enable video viewfinder capabilities on the Vision or Vision PRO camera. Once the EVF camera upgrade is enabled, simply connect a compatible viewfinder to the camera HDMI port to enjoy a video viewfinder that assists during complicated alignment and install situations. The electronic viewfinder is particularly helpful for camera alignment at larger venues where cameras may be located many meters away from the finish line (like motorsports or horse racing).
Product Version: 3.8.0